SKH-300CID [#9104]
Phone with LCD Display, compatible with FSK / DTMF systems. Call recognition. Memory of 10 Outgoing Numbers with 18 digits and call duration, Memory of 30 incoming calls with 12 digits, date and time, 5 digit call prefix filter. One digit code-PBX code, 32 digits pre typr and number editing. Selection between pulse and tonal call. Barring of parallel phones
SKH-400 [#9103]
Phone with LCD Display, compatible with FSK / DTMF systems. Call recognition. Memory 35 of Incoming Calls With 12 Digits, Date and Time, Memory 10 Outgoing Number With 18 Digits and Call Duration, 5-digit Local Call Proposition, PBX Code, 32 digits of pre type and Number editing, Flash, Pause, Automatic Redial , lock buttons. Choice between pulse and tonal call
Wireless phone Motorola, Black
T501/B [#38637]
Motorola Wireless Phone
Greek Menu
Screen with backlight
Keyboard Lock
Caller ID and Call Blocking.
50 Memories
Standby Time 200 hours
Talking Time 10 hours
SKH-350 [#9105]
Phone,Gondola type, compatible with DTMF systems. Call recognition. Memory of 10 Outgoing Numbers With 18 Digits and Call Duration, Memory of 30 Incoming. Call with 12 Digits, Date and Time 5-digit Local Call-PBX Calling PSI filter, 32 digits pre type and number editing. Switch for the ringtone